Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Flora and Fauna

1. Dark Horse - 09-28-10; 8:30am; Rural Rexburg; f 5.6; 1/500; Canon Rebel Xs
2. Light Horse - 09-28-10; 8:30am; Rural Rexburg; f 5.0; 1/800; Canon Rebel Xs
3. Red Leaves - 09-28-10; 7:30; Rural Rexburg; f 5.6; 1/50; Canon Rebel Xs

I went shooting early in the morning and it was so much fun! These are just three of the many pictures I took. With "Dark Horse" I adjusted the brightness and contrast, as well as the saturation. I did mask out the saturation on the horse so he didn't look funky. On "Light Horse" to get the focus and color I wanted on the horse I had to go back and put the saturation up on the sky so that it looked more realistically blue. I am really proud of "Red Leaves" and this is why. I didn't have to do any editing. That is the original photo. Well until next time...happy shooting...pictures that is.


  1. I feel like your horses have something to say. Like they want me to know what they are thinking! The photos really capture something special about them. Very neat.

  2. You are going into Photography hugh!? that is awesome, you are such a creative person you will kill it in this field I am sure! Enjoy really love the top horse shot, it has such great motion and life! look forward to seeing more

  3. Great job on your photos Will! The colors are great and you did an awesome job capturing your subjects.

  4. The first horse picture is really good. You captured the movement perfect.

  5. The dark horse is my favorite. Great lighting and composition!
